Brand Image

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Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Behavior

[Institution Name]Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Behavior


The paper discusses the importance of branding on consumers behavior, marketing strategies related to branding, disadvantages of bad branding strategies to re-brand. The contrast of Coca-Cola VS Pepsi, over the years, is also a part of the paper.

The brand management has become extremely important in competitive environments today. According to the positive or negative sign reside in the brand image and set in the mind of the consumer, people may adopt, keep, discard or abandon the use of product or service.

A brand strategy for a product line, there is a difficulty of using the same brand, for products with very different characteristics, makes it advisable, for many companies employ a strategy of product line brands. If a company is unable to brand its product in an effective way then the consumer will not be able to make the correct use of the product and any of its complimentary products.


Consumer is an individual who purchases or utilize products or services. Marketers are the people who offer these services. The most difficult questions for marketers are why consumers do what they do. Factors influencing consumers' buying behaviors are really complex. Consumer behavior is subjective to the consumer's characteristics and by the consumer's decision processes. Consumer characteristics consist of four key factors: cultural, social, personal, and psychological. Consumer responses also their buying behavior is mainly influenced by a person's group, family, roles and status which are generally termed as social factors.

The brand management has become extremely important in competitive environments today. It can lead to an intangible asset priceless of sustaining competitive advantage. This is known as the commercial capital (World Bank, 1978). A brand exists as long as it exists in the mind of its current or potential consumers. Specifically, a brand is made with the concerns of people and companies that sell their products and/or services. Consumers see the brand as an important part of the product and brand choice can add value. For example, most consumers see an unmarked bottle be perceived as inferior, even though the smell is same as other famous brands. Therefore, decisions about brand choice are an important part of product strategy.

According to the positive or negative sign residing in the brand image and set in the mind of the consumer, people may adopt, keep, discard or abandon the use of product or service. All actions that a company designed to give a brand differentiate and position the product in the market. Brands are symbols of the aspirations, representing desired qualities, such as the sophistication or power. Thus, the well tested brands can activate goals linked with desired outcomes and achieve the objectives aimed at behavior.

Brand decisions are key marketing strategy of any company (Keller, 1998). Vital services like health insurance or any other products or services that are less significant work on the basis of their brand image. A brand can either create miracles or a disaster for a ...
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