Brand Identity

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Brand Identity

Brand Identity


Brand management and branding strategies in an organization provide guidelines to the management of an organization to behave efficiently in a competitive market and achieve their goals. The process of creating brands and the value of brands is not as easy as it appears. It requires a proper framework to be implemented that lead towards the creation of strong brands and helps the organization in achieving their targets. There are several components that need to be understood by the brand strategists or the management of an organization before developing a framework for creating strong brand image in the market. A number of components determine the creation of a brand including g a brand name, brand image and the tangible and intangible factors that lead towards the development of a brand (Aaker, 2011).

The development of brand is a mean to identify a specific product and differentiate it from other products of the same kind. In this way, almost all the firms whether multinational organizations or small scale firms are involved in the process of brand identity. Brand identity is a set of the unique components of a brand that makes it different from other homogenous brands. Brand identity is a very powerful tool that leads to the creation of strong and healthy brand image of a product and organization.

This paper discusses the concept of brand identity with respect to creating strong brands in the market. It defines the concept of brand and brand identity along with the different components of brand identity. The benefits of brand identity are also examined and the process of building strong brands is provided involving the steps that lead to the development of strong brands.

The Concept of Brand

In order to analyse the concept and importance of brand identity, first it is vital to discuss the concept of brand which describes the grounding facts involved with the concept of branding. Organizations are constantly involved in developing such methods that lead them towards the success and maximize the value of their shareholders. The marketing aspect of the organizations is to create value for the product or services of the organization which serves as the main component behind the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organizations. The marketers are constantly involved in transforming the basic product of an organization into a total product. It is due to the increasing competition in the market and the presence of homogenous products in the market (Aaker & Joachimsthaler, 2009).

The most important feature of a total product development is the concept of brand. A brand is a collection of specific symbol of a product of an organization, experience and linkages or associations that can be linked with the service or products of the organization. It defines the culture and image of the organizations. A brand can be considered as a psychological aspect of a product or service through which the customers or other people perceive a specific product of a ...
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