Brand Community

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Brand Community

Brand Community

With the advent of internet, the notion of branding has gone surpass oceans and spread all around the world. Intellectuals claim that the internet has shaped our world into a global village. This is merely because of the reason that; with the advent of social media, we can now interact with different people, make friendships and meet them in a virtual realm from all across the world. Now making friends, knowing about their live, their daily routing, what is happening around them; all have become as simple as “add as friend”; no matter how far you live from each other.

In the same manner, this virtual realm has created opportunities as well as challenges for the marketers. With a global exposure and expansion, now marketers have access to penetrate into different markets all across the globe. This has increased the magnitude of competition as there are no limits of entering in any market around the globe. Moreover, this expansion is as cost effective as it was never before. The cost effectiveness of this medium brought mouth watering treat for the marketers, and within a time of one decade, brands have spread all across the globe - no matter how huge or small the brand is. From America to Australia and from China to Chilli, one can find each and every brand of the world through logging into social media.

In the early times, brands were restricted to particular localities. However, with the advent of 21st century, branding has become a very serious issue for the markets, as now the entire world is looking at their performance. Now days, brands are too much conscious about their value in the mind of their consumers. Therefore, marketers and brand managers across the globe are more probes about adding value into their brands.

Considering the fact that the battlefield has now shifted to new media rather than traditional media; therefore, marketers need to think accordingly in order to add value into their brand. On the internet, a person only takes 2 second to browse away, if (s)he does not understand the content of the page or find it interesting. So as the case with any brand on the internet; therefore, it is essential that brand should communicate short and precise, and filter content according the needs of the viewer. This is essential to keep viewers attached with the brand in a social realm. Moreover, on ...
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