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Brain Activity During Emotionally Negative Pictures In Schizophrenia

Brain Activity During Emotionally Negative Pictures In Schizophrenia


This paper exhibits the critical reveiw of the journal -brain activity during emotionally negative Pictures in schizophrenia with or without flat effect,an fmrI study which was published by Fahim et al. In this study magnetic resonance imaging was used initially in schizophrenia for the study of the ano- structural brain anomalies (Keller, 2008, pp. 719). Generation magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is based on the analysis of electromagnetic waves electromagnetic coming from the relaxation of the art that, while under the influence of a magnetic field has been previously stimulated mind by radio frequency pulses (Filler, 2009, pp. 77). Schizophrenia involves a series of manifestations psychopathological heterogeneous and poorly bounded presented in a certain do the time course. Symptoms are usually classified into two broad categories: positive and negative. The symptoms are more positive (delusions, hallucinations, language and / or disorganized behavior) seem to reflect an excess or distortion of the normal functions, while negative (Affective flattening, abolition) seem reflect a decrease or loss (Lang, 2008, pp.17).

The article focuses on the symptoms that are observed and the signal that is collected came from the proportions of hydrogen, so that their strength depends primarily on the density of these protons, but can be deeply modified by the surroundings thereof. Thus, the signal analysis of relaxation provides information on the composition of the tissues studied. This technique does not use some type of radiation and provides images in any plane and offers a resolution is- spatial superior to other techniques. The finding in the article that, gave the difference of their magnetic properties, the percentage je signal of magnetic relaxation- oxyhemoglobin decaying faster than the oxyhemoglobin, led to the development the use of an agent as deoxyhemoglobin internal standard tea-neurofun studies tional. The introduction of the technique of re- Magnetic resonance (fMRI) involved the opportunity to study brain activation without or external use of contrast-dose radioactivity you. This technique is based on the study of oxygenation of the blood for evidence- CIAR neuronal activation (hence the name BOLD, Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Contrast, "level-dependent contrast blood oxygenation ") (Bechtel, 2008, pp. 48). The fMRI shows, apart from the safety such as advantages over functional techniques PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and / or SPECT (Single Photon Emi- Computerized Tomography) the possibility to single-subject studies, given their Locator great power and signal / noise; also given the non-invasive and rapid acquisition of the art, can perform an large number of acquisitions, allowing average intrasubject activation.

The article evaluates the ac- motivation brain compares the signal collected in a basic condition in the collection a trigger condition. Another technique based on the study of the tissues by MRI Diffusion MRI, that evaluates the state of brain tissue from the movements of diffusion of molecules of water (due to movement Brownian) non-invasively (Fredrickson, 2007, pp. 30-39). In the human tissues fibrous (such as muscle or cerebral white matter), the spread of water ...
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