Bradford Properties

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Bradford Properties

Bradford Properties


The significance of computers cannot be denied in our lives, particularly throughout recent times. The computer has become very important in every field such as medicine, education, agricultural industries etc. Computer has become the most essential element and playing vital role in developing countries. In recent days, every organization are dependent on the computers for their tasks. It has considered as the device for saving the time and to acquire its help for solving complex problems, repeated tasks with in less time. As the technology is improving it has provided the people an opportunity to use computer for entertainment and fun.

Task 1

Bradford Properties can use certain models for processing of programs that is a conceptual demonstration for describing the procedures from particular viewpoints. A various numbers of models are there such as (Blanchard, 2006, pp. 31):

Waterfall model

Iteration model

V-shaped model

Spiral model

Extreme model

The Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a linear (non- iterative) process model, especially for software development, in the phases is organized. Here, the phase results are like a waterfall always as binding targets for the next lower stage. The name "waterfall" is often chosen by the graphical representation of the five to six as cascade arranged phases. This model gives more importance to the planning in starting stage (Post, 2006).

System Requirements: it creates the parts for constructing the system, that includes requirement of the software, hardware etc.

Software Requirements: It creates functionality of software and identify requirement for the affects of the system.

Architectural Design: It verifies the framework of the software for meeting the specific requirement.

Detailed Design: It examines the parts of the software that are defined in the designing stage to producing the requirements.

Coding: implementation for the design specifications.

Testing: It verifies and finds the errors that are present in the coding.

Maintenance: finding the problems and make changes in it.

Evolutionary model

The evolutionary model could be seen as one of the classic iterative activity based models. Each of the activities is handled in sequential order. After each of the iterations an evolutionary prototype is produced. This prototype is used to validate the iteration it's just coming from and forms the basis of the requirements for the next phase. It's usually applied when the requirements are unclear. There are two well-known forms: exploratory programming and prototyping. A prototype is used to discover the requirements and is discarded once the real system is developped. In exploratory programming a system is implemented and functionality is added iteratively.

An evolutationary development process can be characterized as a guided missile: "It's launched to the direction of the target and guided along the way to hit even a moving target." In comparison, a waterfall development process can be characterized as an artillery shell: "It is aimed at a target and launched. If the target moves the shell will land somewhere, but not on target."

Spiral Model

The spiral model summarizes the development process in software engineering as an iterative process on, each cycle in each quadrant contains the following activities:

Setting objectives , identifying alternatives and description of conditions

Evaluation of alternatives and the ...