Bp Strategy For Spill Oil Crisis 2010-2012

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BP Strategy for Spill Oil Crisis 2010-2012

BP Strategy for Spill Oil Crisis 2010-2012

British Petroleum is an international energy company headquartered in London, United Kingdom . BP 2009 generated worldwide consolidated sales of 239 billion U.S. dollars and employed 80 300 people. Worldwide, 83 million barrels of daily oil equivalent encouraged. Of these, BP promotes daily 4 million barrels (about 57 percent oil and 43 percent natural gas ). The company has approximately 22,400 gas stations , serving 13 million customers daily. [1]

On April 20, 2010 a leak caused an explosion in the semisubmersible rig Deepwater Horizon, which was followed by a fire. Two days later she sank taking with eleven lives. The oil spill damage caused serious environmental damage because of its high toxicity and the decrease in oxygen concentrations in the area. Eight U.S. national parks were threatened by the stain, plus about 400 species, including some already endangered.

The Gulf of Mexico oil spill demanded a response at an order of magnitude never required before. BP learned a great deal and made advances in response technology and systems. As a result, BP are updating our group requirements and are sharing our knowledge with the industry and regulators.

In 2011, as a priority, BP focused on incorporating the learnings from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill response into new technical requirements for BP operations that drill in deep water. New BP drilling operations in deepwater must have access to capping equipment, must pre-plan their relief well, and must be ready to demonstrate to S&OR as well as to the regulator that their oil spill contingency plan takes in all foreseeable risks and includes measures to mitigate the environmental and economic consequences - however unlikely - including worst case. BP began implementing these requirements in Angola, the North Sea, Brazil, the ...