Bp Plc

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British Petroleum (BP) PLC

British Petroleum (BP) PLC


BP supplies transportation fuel, heat and light energy, retailing and petrochemicals goods and services. Exploration and Production segment is engaged in oil and gas exploration, field development, and production, midstream transportation, storage and processing; and marketing and gas trading, including liquefied natural gas (LNG), and electricity and natural gas liquefied (NGL). These activities have been undertaken in Angola, Azerbaijan, Canada, Egypt, Norway, Russia, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom and the United States, and Asia, Oceania, South America, North Africa and the Middle East (Reuters, 2012).

This section also owns and manages crude oil and natural gas pipelines, processing facilities and export terminals; and liquefied natural gas processing and transportation, as well as liquefied natural gas extraction facilities. BP has been in the Trans-Alaska pipeline system, four pipe system, pipeline transmission system in central region, the South Caucasus Pipeline, and Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan pipeline, as well as in Trinidad, Indonesia's liquefied the interests of gas plant in Australia. The company's refining and marketing segment involves mainly based on the BP, Castrol, ARCO, Aral brand supply and trading, refining, manufacturing, marketing, and crude oil, petroleum, petrochemical products and related services, wholesale and retail customers in the transportation (Reuters, 2012).

Other businesses and corporate market production and market cold-rolled aluminum products, as well as the energy produced by wind, solar, bio-fuels, hydrogen, carbon capture and storage source; and the shipping activities. The company was founded in 1889 and headquartered in London, England (Reuters, 2012).

PEST Analysis

Political landscape

BP in particular and the entire oil industry is deeply impacted by the political landscape prevailing in the environment (Annual Report, 2011). It is based in UK which is one of the most prosperous and influential nations in the world and has a large role to play on the international stage. UK is one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, one of the founding members of the NATO, and also a member of the EU, although it has followed a conservative approach to the issue of European integration. The role of UK becomes evens more importance in the wake of growing volatility in world energy markets due to geographical instability. The UK's political landscape is deeply entrenched in the ethos of democracy and the stable system of governance ensures that there is a level of consistency in its policies. Following the world wars, the UK developed into a major global force, largely on the back of its rapid economic development. The UK supports deeper engagement with emerging economies such as China and India. However, the country continues to face terror threats from groups such as al-Qaeda. Therefore, presence of unstable governments in the region where BP is maintaining production and other related facilities culminates in the greater level of vitality in the global energy markets. Moreover, there has also started a active move to keep a check on the impact of industries on the climate as governments and people becoming more conscious of undesired ...
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