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Booklet to Inform People of the Care Value Base and the Responsibilities of the Care Workers

Booklet to Inform People of the Care Value Base and the Responsibilities of the Care Worker


The care plan is central to the quality of care for an individual. It must reflect individual needs and clearly outline care requirements in both general and specific terms. It is very important that this document is understood and actively implemented. It is also vital that the care plan is constantly updated and carers at all levels will be contributing to this by recording and reporting information on a daily basis. Good communication skills are important to gathering information for the care plan and to maintaining these records.

Communication to Support Diversity, Inclusion and Equality

Communication is considered best to provide support to encourage equality, diversity and inclusion in the organisation. Communicating the goals and objectives of the organisation helps in delivering services to the users that can please them. To support diversity among employees team building is considered the most effective method, which ultimately encourage employees to cater users of diverse background (Doel 2009, pp. 17-45). Secondly, inclusion helps organisation to follow the practices that are preferred by the society. For inclusion communication plays vital role by providing opportunity to society for communication and sharing their responses of practices followed in organisation regarding care services. This helps in amending the practices as per the preferences by the users (Power 1996, pp. 13-58).

For supporting equality through communication, the organisation is providing training to their employees, as training is the one of the best mode of communication that brings people of different races, genders or religion on one platform and helps to share their views. Training not only helps organisation to enable employees to deal every user with equality, but will also create an ...
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