Book Summary

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Book Summary

Book Summary


The main purpose of this paper is to write a book summary of “Revisiting America Readings in Race Culture and Conflict” written by Susan Wyle. In this book, the author has made discussions about the readings on race culture and conflict in America. He discussed different aspects of racism clashes and conflicts prevailing in America.


In this book, the author has described the contributions of the multitude of racial and cultural struggles that had contributed in the past and present of America. The writer has very well defined the compositions of different primary, secondary and literary sources. These sources enhanced the writer to make critical thinking about the racial issues which have dominated the American history, and shaped the whole world. These sources have their contributions in the history of United State and act as an important part of the United State's history (Castillo, 1998).

The book also presents a glance of language power, which is used to write and to be spoken in developing ideas, conflicts and politics. Along with Susan's book on racism culture and conflicts in America, there are many other authors who have written their books on the issue of conflicts in American history from the 17th century. These authors have made comparison and contrast of issues like class, gender and racism in these centuries.

He said in his book that it is necessary to talk about the triumphant quote which was presented by John Qunicy Adams; “Every criticism which is made on history, somehow passes from the Thermopylae, and it always includes in inteself Leonida and his men in case they he cannot get succeeded in it” (Wyle, 2003, p. 45).

In the topic of racial conflicts and culture in America, the contribution of Noam Chomsky is also very important. In this book author has discussed that in America the racist belive that the Canadian upper class is uperior than the British upper class. He said that in America, the racism has been observed more than any other area of the world. Therefore, it is very necessary for the reader to get the complete and detailed information about the racism in America (Castillo, 1998). Daringly the role of New Historicism scholars in Racism, in America has been overrated.

The writer has designed this book for the students of first year college students and described the racism issues in this book. Susan has focused on the racial and cultural struggles which have been made in the past and present of America. The main purpose of Susan to write this book is to make students aware of the primary, secondary and literary sources. He wants the students to rationally think about the issues that prevailed in United States that have shaped the world and dominated in the American history.

Susan has focused on the issues in this book that can enhance the reader's ability to make thinking on the cultural and historical issues that occurred in United States.

In this book, Susan has said that the democracy present in the Election ...
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