Book Reviews: Why Don't We Listen Better And cloud's Nine Things You Simply Must Do To Succeed In Love And Life

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Book Reviews: Why Don't We Listen Better and

Cloud's Nine Things You Simply Must Do to Succeed in Love and Life

Why Don't We Listen Better


This book summarizes an often simplistic and practical manner on how a person becomes a good listener. Peterson's sharing method turns and even using a card with the roles that the listener and speaker should use makes it sometimes a game. This book divided how people communicate in three parts: first refers to stomach that includes feelings or emotions. Second refers to heart that when operates in a proper manner includes several possibilities. Third refers to the heart that processes the logical and thinking functions. The author employs these functions to demonstrate that when emotions filled the stomach it pushes and swells the heart that ultimately makes the brain go flat. Peterson refers to a principle as a syndrome of “flat brain.” When a person comes across such condition, he should be permitted to get these feelings out and return to correct thinking state. This book takes the reader on a ride t o illustrate that the listening art engages more than hearing. The roles' idea that individuals play being the talker and listener assist the process of communication to be effective and evade the tango of the flat brain. Firstly, this book outlines the role that the communicator will have in the scenario. The communicator is a person that initially owns the issue. It is the problem of a person, and they will work on the issue to resolve it. They carry out through attaining two objectives, first, there is sharing of emotions and ideas. All of this to be achieved without judging, labeling, accusing and attacking. In simple words, the issue does not refer to the fault of the other person, and your emotions and feelings are not directed by others. Then, Peterson emphasizes upon the most vital role in this communication, that the part they play and of the listener. The most essential role that they play is not being the owner of the issue, and they are not obliged to resolve it. The author signify that this is tricky as the propensity is to own the problem is high. The book also includes several techniques of listening in chapter eighteen. The skill of listening is the one that a person has to work on. Firstly, there is the safe place provider for the speaker to share his emotions. Secondly, is to comprehend the speaker. Thirdly, there is the clarifying art about the issue for the communicator. This book concludes by providing a description of several kinds of listening situation, which might be more specialized like a situation of a suicide. Moreover, Peterson discusses how techniques can be applicable in a group settings and it can use to moderate communication between two. Briefly, the author relies on the idea of good skills of talking and listening to communicate effectively.


The ideas and techniques in this book reminded me actually how much I want to ...