Book Review - Why Don'T We Listen Better?

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Book Review - Why Don't We Listen Better?

Book Review - Why Don't We Listen Better?


Dr. Petersen wrote 'Why We don't listen better' to reach all people that wish to communicate better. He drew experiences' from his many years of experience as a Minister and a Professional counselor to formulate the content of the book.

In Dr. Petersen's dedication, he communicates his desired outcome of all those who read Why Don't We Listen Better (2007). Good, healthy, communication skills is the key in trying to connect and relate with people. More a manual than a book it is “designed to be read in short sections…you can revisit pieces you want to focus on”. The book is also a journey of self-discovery. After many years of using communication techniques, Peterson still revisits the material to “rethink” how he relates to others. The concept of how communication evolves is represented by three centers of our body, our brain, our heart and our stomach. Each represents a part of the communication process where our words are visible and discerned by the listener

The book moves onto developing exceptional communication skills using honest authentic listening techniques Petersen offers. We can start by avoiding the traps listeners often fall into when faining their interest in another's words. There is a whole section filled with helpful suggestions in employing good questions, body language and appropriate comments to keep us engaged with each other. The author also offers advice on helping us understand the communication process in stressful and unusually difficult circumstances. Petersen's premise: to continually learn to listen better making communication a relationship building opportunity for everyone.

In the first part of this text book, it shows us the causes that one may get caught up with in the tango, and demonstrates us roughly manners to go out of the tango. He even renders a little poem at the conclusion of the part to apply as an instrument when we precede with recent attention proficiencies. In the second part of this book, Dr. Petersen breakdowns various beneficial communicating proficiencies. The most crucial tool that he brought in is a TLC (Talker-Listener Card). The card demonstrates how to lecture to get your degree exclusive of assaulting or charging. It breakdowns what a speakers aim are and defines the talker as owning the problem or bothered. Most importantly the card shows how to listen without taking the problem over from the talker, advising, defending, agreeing or disagreeing. The rest of the section breaks down the card into detail, tells us how and when to use it and lets us know that it will not work all of the time. Part three is about listening techniques. It starts with telling us communication traps that we should get caught up in like “ritual listening” and the “I understand” statement. Part three also lets us know that the new techniques that we will be trying will be awkward and that we will have to practice them until they become ...
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