Book Review: The Life Of Dwight L. Moody: A Passion For Souls

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Book Review: The Life of Dwight L. Moody: A Passion for Souls

Book Review: The Life of Dwight L. Moody: A Passion for Souls


'The Life of Dwight L. Moody: A Passion for Souls' is the book written by Lyle W. Dorsett. The book reveals the life and his efforts to accomplish the tasks assigned by God. He was an American evangelist and founder of the Moody Church. His contributions in the field of education were extraordinary. He not only worked to educate his people spiritually, but also tried to provide them better understanding of the world. He implemented teachings of the Holy Bible in their lives and he provided them with the better means of education. To fulfill this purpose he founded various schools like Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts. His contributions for the Christianity reflect his passion that he always worked for the better working of people in the world. He does not belong to the background in which the children are brought up in the religious environment. In his childhood he was not even interested in schools. It is very unusual of such a child as becoming one of the famous evangelist and preacher on whom thousands of books and materials have been published. He was a person, who not got his soul purified but assisted and guided millions of people all over the world to find the true path. All over the world people are interested in writing and inquiring the journey of his life from an ordinary boy who was even interested in schooling, how he became one of the preachers who taught millions of people, both, intellectually and spiritually. He was also founder of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers.

Moody proved him as one of those people who can work to serve their purpose without considering any means and difficulties they encountered in their way. The most amusing thing about Moody which attracted the attention of the researchers in theology is that, with such a striking difference in his academic background, how he transformed into a preacher who taught millions of souls. There are various approaches and means followed by thousands of people to understand that how has he achieved such extraordinary transformation. From a boy, who could not studied after fifth grade, how he became a person who launched ministries in education (Dorsett, 2004). A boy who did not received any religious background how he transformed into a spiritual preacher and guide for the thousands of souls. From thousands of material on the life of this extraordinary person, Lyle W. Dorsett's 'The Life of Dwight L. Moody: A Passion for Souls', provides the answers to the process of transformation and revealed the life of the preacher and a spiritual teacher who never attended school after fifth grade.

About the Author

Dr. Lyle W. Dorsett is a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also holds the same doctrine of evangelist and he is the author of many books. He has written biographies of ...
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