Book Review On: Teaching From The Heart By Jerold W. Apps

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Book Review on: Teaching from the Heart by Jerold W. Apps

Book Review on: Teaching from the Heart by Jerold W. Apps


Teaching from the Heart, written by Jerold W. Apps in 1996 focuses on the ways teaching but is not specific to the educational setup. It includes learning in all aspects of life and all the dimensions, including biological, spiritual and emotional. Teaching from the Heart also provides a few exercises, which aim at increasing the learning ability of the reader and assist in developing and maintaining better relations. Various relaxation techniques have also been described by the author, with both individual as well as group approaches to ensure better learning. The book has useful information for both, teachers and students, at the same time, and can prove to be useful for whoever reads it and starts practicing the techniques mentioned.

Review and Critical Analysis:

Reason for selecting this book:

The main reason behind selecting this book was to get an understanding of the different aspects of teaching and learning described by the author. Jerold W. Apps has deviated from the usual path ascribed for teaching, which goes with the traditional and ineffective methods. My interest in this book was also sparked because I belong to Arabic background, and the author focuses equally on all cultures and civilizations, providing an overall idea of learning to all the people around the globe, against other western authors who typically produce west oriented reading material. Teaching from the Heart presents an overall idea regarding the techniques that can bring about a change in thinking and the cognitive processes, and also describes techniques that can help in overcoming the teaching barriers. As a matter of fact, the same issues exist in all societies and all parts of the world, regardless of the prevailing norms and values. Thus, the book provides a learning opportunity to all the readers, no matter what their background is. The author also provides various exercises and activities to overcome the learning related problems, including fear, time constraints and inner turmoil.

In addition, he provides a detailed account of self assessment and helps the reader to get a better understanding his own problems and issues and to resolve them in a coherent manner. This is yet again distinguishing factor of this book, which is also one of the reasons for selection of Teaching from the Heart. The book thus not only deviates from the typical and ineffective rules, but also projects constructive thinking and active mental process, so that the issues can be addressed in a businesslike manner and resolved with maximum precession.

About the author-- biographical information:

Jerold W. Apps is Wisconsin based author and professor, born and raised on a Wisconsin farm. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and has written more than 30 books so far, with most of them having a touch of rural history and life in rural areas. The books include both non-fiction and fiction books, with the non-fiction books having a clear shade of with history, or his educational ...
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