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Book Review - Emotional and behavioral disorders

Book Review - Emotional and behavioral disorders


The book selected for the purpose of this book review is Child development: myths and misunderstandings by Mercer (2010). The book is a non-fiction, non-autobiographical book related to child development and sheds light on the issues that children face. The book is between 250-300 pages. The discussion will attempt to present a focused book report on the child development issues and ideas addressed in it.

According to the book, major causes of mental incapacity are inadequate stimulation or learning opportunities, anxiety, increased stress, less-orientation to socializing environment, which lead to, powerlessness and fragmentation of bodily experience. During first three years, child starts acquiring all the basic qualities of emotional and physical development of the baby. It should be noted on the psychological state of children whose parents give them little attention and which roam from one guardian to another. Although guardians may do their warily, but they can never replace the warm atmosphere of a family where the child articulate children's personality based on the subjects of love and emotions which relate to brothers, sister, and children's parents. They spent a great span of chidlren's life which is the foundation of child's future. Isolation form family relations and attachment to mother and less attention from father resulted in stimulating negative responses, in him.

Discussion & Analyses

The book highlights that factors that shaped children's personality seem to undermine the principles of peace, understanding, emotional attachment, perceived frustration, caring by parents, and closeness with siblings. These factors created emotional and physical losses in him which reduced children's mental capacity and subsequently children's learning abilities. Psychological impact of loss and betrayal condition includes rage and trust lacking attitude in children which emotionally disconnected him from the external environment and participating in social groups. Absence of intimacy and closeness with social, relational ties made him disconnected from social factors such as lack of cooperation with other class mates, lack of compatibility sense with other friends, preferences for abnormal conditions were detrimental impact of children's upbringing. This is due to confusion and overwhelmed senses which made him elicit socially unacceptable behavior.

According to Mercer (2010) children's negative behavioral responses relied on repetition of stimulus characterized as the absence of social development factors and which made him indulge in dissociate actions. Frightening loss of impulse control, confusion regarding values, morals and self-concept were related to compulsive ambiguity. As a result, they indulged in violent behavior towards mother, and other people in the class. These factors directly impacted children's learning abilities in the class. Main actions related to these causes include unexplainable outbursts of swearing and showing uncooperative behavior and an unwillingness to attend school. They had many of power and loved to combine with the other kids. They acclimatized well with each other, whereas with tough young children, it is clear that the feelings altered rather often, and there was no reliable behavior. They do not acclimatize well and appear to be somewhat ...
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