Book Review

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Book Review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Book Review of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”


The book which is picked for the review is "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," JK Rowling. The book has made me a bit dismal. The author of the Harry Potter author JK Rowling has finished the manuscript of his first book back in 1995. The manuscript was published in Britain two years later. More than 15 years have passed since then, as JK Rowling, sitting in a coffee shop, which was first touched the handle of paper, and during this time the fruit of her fantasies with a cup of coffee has become a global phenomenon. To date, has sold 400 million copies of Harry Potter books. Book series has been translated into 69 languages.

Before that I read only the first two volumes of Harry Potter and without much transition took hold of the seventh - it was very interesting, what's all this story will end. And in these books, the older characters - Harry, Ron and Hermione, the more dangerous adventures that are collapsing on their heads. After the first two books, which describes virtually childhood heroes and their first steps in Hogwarts, go to the descriptions of torture and battle scenes in the seventh book was a little amazing. But despite this, I am very interested to read the books of JK Rowling. The book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" I overcame two days despite the fact that reading from a computer. For me, this indicator. The fact is that, like many people, I love paper books and in this form cannot read anything. Sometimes just nice to hold in your hands a book, leafing through paper pages. But with computer pages, everything is not so good. Weak and uninteresting book I usually cannot read. You want is not an incentive to endure the inconvenience of this kind of reading.


But the books of JK Rowling are not the case. I like her ability without further description, in a few sentences, spoken on behalf of the hero, to convey the whole of his character and way of thinking. Rowling has a gift through a few lines of the book to create characters full of life, with his character and worldview. In this sense, are very indicative of her dialogue. What are the dialogues with Auntie Muriel's wedding Uizzli Bill and Fleur ...
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