Book Review

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Trends and Challenges in Distance Education: An International Perspective

Book review

This book presents a broad treatment of the current distance education trends and issues from an international perspective. The book includes some twenty-four author of the chapter, which provide insight into the specific implementation of distance education worldwide, as well as analysis of cross-national distance education topics. The book is designed to meet the needs of a wide audience, including practitioners, researchers and graduate students, all of which are the effect of the growing trend toward distance learning in secondary school and university levels.

Distance learning and its relation to new technologies of computer together offered many promises for education. In practice, however, the combination is often lacking what he is trying to do (Visser 2005). Some of the disadvantages due to problems with the technology, others have more in common with the administration, teaching methods, or students. Despite the problems, many users like technologies such as compressed video and see continued growth in this area. Convenience of time and space is a big promise of distance learning. Students should not physically be with an instructor in space and, depending on the method used, they should not be together in time as well. This is a great advantage for non-traditional students who cannot attend regularly again. Satellite campuses, such as those, Arkansas State University recently opened a draw of the "hidden market" of adult students in small towns and the recent high school graduates who do not want to go to big cities to get an education. Satellite campuses may help allegedly registering schools grow tenfold.

This book examines some of the current research and thinking on the promises, challenges and future possibilities in modern distance education, in particular, types that are delivered by electronic means.1970 saw the spread of the ...
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