Book Review

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Book review

Book review

Richard Adams was born in 1920. In the mid-sixties he completed his first novel, Watership Down, the story of the origin of which he told his children to kill time on a road trip. His other books include the novels Shardik, The Plague Dogs, the girl in a Swing, Maia and Travellers; his autobiography Day passed, and several books about the natural world. He and his wife have two daughters who live in the south of England.

Plague Dogs is a brilliant work of Richard Adams. A story with mobile which has maintained all along entertainment throughout the next character interesting or tragic unraveling of the truth. Snitter Rowf and are engaging characters, which makes it quite easy to sympathize with their tragic circumstances. However, it is not light reading - and be warned, often the characters speak with an accent so thick that its hard to understand what they are trying to say - often find that reading aloud is the only way to decipher meanings

Long ago on the forums now 'pay-only, I used to discuss animation. I do not remember discussing the plague dogs (although Watership Down has been discussed at length), but now after seen the film several times, I realize that this is in many ways a theoretical example of what animation could be. If I had not seen the plague dogs, and have obtained no film like this really existed. Perhaps something like the researchers who discovered the naked mole rat, find something that probably should not exist, but it seems at least theoretically possible. Plague Dogs is an animated film simply tell a good story without a single limitation imposed because it belongs to a genre. For this reason, it has never been reissued in the U.S. if you want to see, it ...
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