Book Review

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Book Review

Book Review

Review 1: The Out-of-Sync Child

Carol Kranowitz wrote one of the most comprehensive books easy to read and understand about sensory processing disorder for parents and educators. His book, Out of Sync Child, recognizing and coping with Sensory Processing Disorder, is one of the most comprehensive books available on Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), formerly known as sensory integration disorder (SID).

Kranowitz has described that SID is the neurological process of organizing the information we perceive our bodies and the environment around us. It occurs in the central nervous system, whose main function is to integrate this information it receives is the process of sensory integration. When our brains processed sensory information correctly, and properly respond automatically and are able to do so thanks to the brain's ability to modulate sensory messages. This is able to regulate its own affairs, directly influencing our activity on the mental, physical and emotional.

The central nervous system is continually modulating its activity level to give the right answer every time. Throughout the day we get millions of sensory stimuli, many of which are irrelevant to us and our brain must inhibit the information that they need. The inhibition is necessary because without it would be exhausting to live in an environment full of sensory stimuli.

If the brain does not know properly inhibit irrelevant sensory information, we are constantly paying full attention to all the stimuli we receive. We must learn to ignore most of the stimuli in order to give appropriate responses and pay attention to what is really important to us at all times.

The scene is probably familiar to many teachers: the student is visibly smart, but does not produce. It intractable quarrel with colleagues for any reason, jumps restlessly in his wallet like a thousand ants walked by her body or the distant gaze wanders across the landscape from the window, his mind a million miles from what happens in the classroom. Not brilliant in sports is disjointed, confusing left with right, never know exactly where it comes from and where it goes the ball but often pays part of his poor performance leading in other areas of socialization, predominantly verbal.

Kranowitz has discussed behaviors and sensory disorders of children when young, he is more prone to tantrums and crying for no apparent reason, and has few friends in the playground, seems to spend more time upside down than hanging or upright. It could be noted that prefer to do the duties of foot, slumps in his wallet as if devoid of muscles, head lying on one arm while typing with the other.

We may make fascinating findings from those children who are slightly different, but whose difference could have drastic consequences in everyday life, have also a brain slightly different. Nothing wrong with the intelligence nor, with least in principle, emotions. Perfect eyes and ears, senses of touch, smell, balance, taste and other preserved. But, when cruising the information in the brain from the outside world brought by the senses, ...
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