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Book Review


In this entertaining and highly practical book, author and professional speaker Scott Berkun discloses the techniques to be a great communicator, and even describes the best practices to utilize these techniques. An insider's viewpoint is provided for all the public speakers including teachers and managers to efficiently convey thoughts to others. One can explore new and innovative ideas and approach from the perspective of art involved performing learning and teaching practices openly from a successful public speaker.

Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun

Book Review

Many sound advises are provided to enhance the abilities and skills of public speaking. As compare to writing, speaking is somehow considered to be more difficult. It is supposed to be harder because it has to be presented live in front of audience. Performance means there is no chance of mistake, because of no undo, deleting or revision. Once speaker has done his speech, it is done forever.

In few cases, writing is supposed to be harder than speaking because it is all self-contained. There are only words that speak. Writer has no opportunity to express his ideas through vocal emphasis or body language but still there are options to edit and revise as many times as a writer needs to improve his writing. Writers have enough time to make their efforts and utilize them in an appropriate way. To make writing productive, many opportunities can be availed that are not offered in speaking.

Speakers should practice and revise their content to have a better understanding that can make them easy to follow one point by another. All the fears of mistakes can be simply wiped away, if one is confident over his material. The presentation should be prepared by keeping in mind the targeted audience. It is better to think about the queries of audience, and their ...
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