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Book Review, 'Lords of poverty' By Graham Hancock

Book Report, 'Lords of poverty' By Graham Hancock


Graham Hancock was born in 1950, in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom. He is a successful writer and a British journalist. He the author of many famous best seller, he has almost sold more than 5 million copies of his books, which also has been translated in 27 languages.

Hancock was born in Scotland, but his childhood was spent in India, as his family moved to India, where his father worked as a Surgeon. Hancock returned to England, after graduating from the university. Since then, Hancock has worked as a journalist, broadcaster and an editor. He began his writing activities in the 80's and continues to do it until now.

Graham Hancock is a fairly controversial author. Although he is a diverse writer and has wrote books on various topics including the charity business, African people etc. Hancock has gained much of his notoriety by writing and developing iconoclastic theories, such as origin of civilization, based on ancient myths, the observation of megalithic monuments and on the study of astronomical knowledge and calendar of missing people. His approach was similar to the scientist before the scientific revolution of the late eighteenth.

The following paper discusses criticize and review the book Lord of poverty by Graham Hancock.


Basically, the book Lord of Poverty can be termed as a case study, in the sense of public trust betrayal. The shortcoming and flaws of international aid are several, and are serious enough to increase concerns about the stability of practice at its most essential stages and levels. Hancock report is greatly surprising, shocking, through, and have to potential to ignite critical reevaluation, of the government ulterior propose in providing the foreign aid overseas, and of the real need of the designated receivers.

Although, I agree with the author Hancock on what he claims, but I still feel that this publication is one sided, as the writer is giving only his point of view and one person view on such a large system can not always be correct, one has to see all aspects of the game.

International Aid can reasonably be delayed a reveal in the overall World development and progress and can easily take credit for some positive work such as, increase in primary education and literacy rate, decrease infant death rate, increase overall life expectancy rate, and increase in per house hold GDP and many more. Certainly, achievements have been intermittent, and some places, such as Sub-Saharan Africa, are more intense off than they were 50 decades ago, before the advent of the international aid industry. Where as, in detail its comprehensive breakdowns; one should not absolutely neglect its achievements, even if they are not as much but, less then what the aid industry shows and claim.

I am going to review this book on my personal experiences and knowledge, for this I've taken a record of criticism from the book, that Hancock has regarding the World wide aid market, opposite my own opinions and thoughts,

1. International aid is a big establishment, more purpose on maintaining itself going than assisting the ...
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