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11 Innovations in the Local Church

11 Innovations in the Local Church


This book is to discover dozens of types of innovation, each of the profiles of congregations that have implemented that innovation. This is more than show and tell tour, however. Each chapter offers a solid take-away for church leaders on how to learn and apply the relevant innovation profiling. The authors also offer scripturally based assessment of both positive and negative impacts of each innovation, providing guidance and wisdom (Towns, Stetzer, Bird, 2007). There are many ways of presenting the gospel, and this timely book will serve as a springboard for church leaders are scratching their heads and ask themselves the question: "What should we do next?" Drawing lessons from a dozen different types, church leaders can become more intentional about exploring new areas and cover more of the world for Christ.

According to the authors, a working definition of the church "Assembly professed believers, Jesus is definitely Christ, in accordance with the discipline in the Word of God, administering ordinances and led spiritually gifted leaders” (Towns, Stetzer, Bird, 2007). This definition of the church to the absolute minimum. We need to measure all the innovations of the seed of this truth and ask the question: "Does this innovation have traces of the New Testament Church? "(P. 18)

We are wandering age, "says John Naisbett author of Megatrends," this time between two ages. Fading of the industrial era is coming to an end, and we are moving in the next process the information age. "The remark was made several years ago, few would object to his prediction that we live in a world of information process. In his book," 11 Innovations in the local Church, Elmer cities, Ed Stetzer and Warren Bird offers readers a look at the past of the Church "styles", which are developed in local communities across America. Other covered all these styles and innovations (house churches, Multi-site, etc. ..) in books, articles, and seminars and style of each chapter are given in this book (Towns, Stetzer, Bird, 2007).

As the authors have suggested, when people are forced to make salvation prayer too early, they just repeat the empty words, and therefore not truly born again. He claimed that when preachers used the call to salvation only in the form of formula, converts them did not have eternal life. They entered the church and were baptized, and many ...
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