Book Report: What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love And Marriage

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Book Report: What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love and Marriage

What Shamu Taught Me About Life, Love, and Marriage


“What Shamu taught me about a happy marriage” is an article that published in June 2006, and as a good result of that the writer Amy Sutherland landed a book by the name “What Shamu taught me about life, love and marriage”. In this book, the author has focused on what might happen if we utilize the techniques learned from trainings on the human and animals. In Particular, taking the example of her own life, she applies the learning outcomes on her husband Scott. Amy has described how she brought the lessons learned from training to her home ( Taking the example as when once her husband who has a habit of forgetting the things, comes in search of his car keys, she thereby thinks in this situation what a dolphin trainer could have done. The answer to this question is nothing. The trainers only reward the behavior they wish to see and simply ignore the one they do not wish to see. It was better in the situation that rather than pleasing her husband's temper while searching for the keys, she remains quiet while kept on washing the dishes normally. Later the husband became cool by founding his car keys (

In this way as she putted more of her learning into practice and she recognized that by doing this was becoming less judgmental and very optimistic about everyday things. This way her marriage of twelve years was a way better. In this book, she has high lightened the fact that the things that sound so goofy has turned out to be such good in results ( Therefore, she started implementing all the learning into practice with the people she met every day in the life. This include her mother, students, friends and with a post office clerk. Through all this she has shown that the biggest animal is human himself and for betterment the only requirement is to change is this animal (


In this book, Amy Sutherland has tried giving several lessons that could be implemented in our daily life. Through her remarkable examples, Amy has discussed firstly she learned the things from trainings and later how she implemented all those learning in real life scenario with her husband, parents and friends (Hughes, 2008). This is a self-learning book in which various lessons has been taught. Such as the techniques used by the author are first to ignore the things that a person does not actually like, secondly any interaction can be termed as training, therefore, in life we are always reinforcing something through behavior. Also, realize the clashing behaviors, knowing about one's own species (Hughes, 2008). Let us now discuss she has taught these lessons, through what and whether these lessons could be incorporate in real life situations.

Techniques Used in the Book

Amy has discussed various lessons that she learned and implemented in her life. According to her the best lesson she ...