Book Report

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“The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief”


Gregg Braden: The Author1

Overview of the Book1


The Divine Matrix2

Book Summary4

Active Participants5

Multiple Realities5

New Findings7

Conscious Creation8

Theme Analysis of the 20 Keys9

The reasons of Bad Happenings10

Relationships and Mirrors10

The Theme of Mirrors12

Change the World13



“The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief”


Gregg Braden: The Author

Gregg Braden is a scientist, a scholar and a visionary, who has the ability of accessing the minds of people with touching the hearts' wisdom. He has been the best-seller author according to the New York Times. He is internationally recognized and accepted in the science if bridging, wisdom managements, and the deep thoughts about the real world. Besides his writing career, he has been a computer geologist for the company of Philips Petroleum in 1970s. He has worked on the post of Sr. Computer System Designer during the ending era of Cold War. He has also worked as a Technical Manager for Cisco Systems in 1991. He has been exploring the word with the context of spirituality and religious beliefs and faiths. His visionary is clearly seen in this book of “Divine Matrix” (

Overview of the Book

This book was written by Gregg Braden in 2010. It is a basically a theme-oriented art of Braden in which he considers the religious beliefs, spirituality, and the in-depth understanding of time bridging around the globe. There are a series of discoveries with reference to modern concepts of quantum physics and other religious concepts regarding the divine concept of this world.

Braden has emphasized the act of participation together with the observing approach. One should not rely upon just observing and waiting for the positive outcomes. Positivity is brought to existence; otherwise, this cruel world places everything in the negativity at its own. Living alone is not appreciated in any way, but collective measures are always regarded as achievements. Therefore, this book makes the people generate the instincts of consciousness in creativity regarding the changes of the world.

According to Braden, the language of expressing emotions, feelings, beliefs and prayers in the language of this divine matrix. It provides ease in manifesting the life exactly according to the desire of a person, once the language of divine matrix is followed and implemented.


The Divine Matrix

The author has presented the whole universe as a Divine Matrix in which there are bridges between everything, and mirrors everywhere, which reflect us as we want and intend to see. The author provides verifications of his thoughts with the support of Quantum Physics analysis. The quantum theory of Max Plank focuses the movement and behavior of electron at every instant and then produces the results in terms of electron's behavior. However, the writer uses this approach in a different way as he identifies the reality of observation and participation.

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