Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report


The book report focuses on 'The Heart of the Old Testament' by Ronald Youngblood. The author is a professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at the Bethel Seminary San Diego. The author has written various works and edited numerous works also which mainly includes the Exodus, Genesis, Isaiah and 1 and 2 Samuel. The book, 'The Heart of the Old Testament', mainly focuses on the highlighting of the details of the strong foundations of the Scripture in the ways of classical age-old biblical beliefs which are analyzed together, pondered over such that the consistency of the single book is strong in spiritual creation manifested by the highly effective summary, highlighted by the heart and core of the Old Testament (Youngblood, 1998).


The author is successful in attempting the demonstration of the Bible's oneness by utilizing the fluid and effectiveness of the nine dominant Bible themes which categorize the most basic concepts among everything which is presented in the Bible. The nine themes of Bible are discussed in detail which makes the heart and core of the Old Testament. The themes of Bible are covenant, monotheism, law, sovereignty, theocracy, election, redemption, sacrifice and faith. These threads are sewn together, connected with one another in the chapters of Old and New Testament. This makes the chapters in both Old and New Testaments as fitting perfectly into one single, consistent and solid book specifically related to the themes (Youngblood, 1998).

The author has made the exposition very easy to understand in simple ways. The author has been successful in making the message across in a straightforward way where the audience has admired his manner. The essential points were carefully not missed by the author. The author has also been practical in demonstration of the essence of biblical themes. The author has been so ...
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