Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report


“A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future” is one of the most famous books, written by Daniel H. Pink. This book provides deep and reflective analysis of the financial and personal problems that may occur in the future. Furthermore, the writer also offers several tips and guidance for the survival of people in the confused and disordered environment of the world. This study incorporates the book report of the book “A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future” (Pink, 2005).


The book named as, “A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future” is one of the most amazing master piece of Daniel H. Pink. This book is considered to be an entertaining piece of work as it discovers various operations of the human brain, demonstrates that how to play games and much more. In simple ways, this book aims to illustrate the ways in which any person can think and spend his or her life in a more productive and meaningful manner. This book contains two parts, each part contains some chapters. Part one of the book is named as conceptual age. This section describes the broad range of animating data. The chapter one of the first part gives the overview or introduction to the reader about the significant differences between the right and left hemispheres of the human brain. This chapter also describes the idea that why the structure of the human brain provides a strong allegory. In the second chapter, an author presented a practical example. Main objective behind this case was to get the attention of left brained readers. The central purpose of this activity was to understand the fact that why three main economic and social forces, including automation, Asia and abundance, are pushing the people in conceptual age (Pink, 2005).

Third chapter of the book illustrates high touch and high concept. Part two of the book is high touch and is named as six senses. The second part of the book incorporates six significant capabilities. These abilities may assist individuals in making their ways in the future period of technological development and globalization. Six senses may include meaning, play, empathy, symphony, story and design. In the second section, the writer devoted one chapter to each single sense. It may help the reader in understanding that how they can be used in daily life and in the corporate world. Chapter nine of the book covers many areas. This chapter includes the visit to the laughter club in Bombay, understanding the insincere smile and expressions anywhere on the globe and a visit to an American high school (Pink, 2005).

Two Key Ideas

“A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future” is one of the greatest masterpieces of Pink. The book is considered as one of the well organized literature. In addition to this, the content of the book is conversational and engaging and significantly captures the attention of the ...
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