Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report

Theoretical Framework

Activity Theory, and Actor-Network Theory do not only highlight the importance if research in the field of online education, but the same can be used to focus on the significance of online learning in contrast to traditional learning system. The theories mainly deal with the interaction of human beings with one another and the interaction of human beings with computer, thus providing connection between online learning and social research.

As the research deals with the benefits and positive aspects of online education, it is essential to focus on the theories that focus on the interaction of human beings with one another and the interaction of human beings with computers. It should be taken into account that there are several factor are acting behind online learning and there are a number of issues that must be considered in this regard. Theories under discussion prove that online learning is better suited for the self motivated learners as compared to the traditional environment, which offers fewer facilities and is also not updated according to the modern standards. Activity theory mainly treats the human activities as complicated phenomenon that are socially situation and thus uses various psychological approached in dealing with these issues and concerns. The theory implies that human beings are complex creatures and they adopt different patterns in dealing with other human beings, computer and their surroundings. Thus, education can be imparted using various means, provided the fact that these ways are consistent with the psychological procedures of human beings. Thus, according to the theory, online learners are provided with better opportunities as compared to the traditional class rooms, which are more dependent on papers and hardcover books, thus limiting access to knowledge and information.

Likewise, the Actor- Network Theory is based on the social approach and highlights the fact ...
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