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Book Critique on “The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership In A Cash-Strapped Era”

Book Critique on “The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership In A Cash-Strapped Era”


There is no country which has enjoyed and taken privilege of the absolute global dominance and power as United States of America has been enjoying. This assertion is made on the basis of the fact that for around more than five decades, United States of America has continued to be the most dominant and potent economic, military and cultural power on the globe. For over the last two decades, international categorization has continued to be America and the others just about hardly.

It was noted that after the significant and serious financial crisis in the year 2008 and the affiliated recession with it, the fun times were approaching towards an end. A professor of “Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies”, namely Michael Mandelbaum started to put forth “the frugal superpower” by referencing to the speech by President Obama which was done at West Point. In that speech, the president purposed to make known and publicize his intent for escalating the war. Nevertheless most of his speech emphasized upon the limitations.

The aim of this report is to provide a critique on the book of Michael Mandelbaum, by the name, “The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership In A Cash-Strapped Era.” The report studies and analyses different aspects of the book in a critical manner so as to put forth a well established book critique on “The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership In A Cash-Strapped Era.”


Overview of the Author

Michael Mandelbaum is a renowned thinker and an author, who was declared as one among the "Top 100 Global Thinkers" in the year 2010. He is the “Christian A. Herter Professor” and also the “Director of American Foreign Policy” at “The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies” in Washington, DC. The author has done PhD form Harvard University in the field of political science. He also received his education from “Yale University” and “King's College, Cambridge” On the subject of American Foreign policy, the author has written ten books, moreover he has edited more than twelve books. His book “The Frugal Superpower: America's Global Leadership In A Cash-Strapped Era” is one of the most incisive work pertaining to the foreign policy of America.

Critique on the Book

In this book, the author Mandelbaum has presented a chastising forecast regarding the foreign policy of the United States of America in the era of 21st century. In this book, the author focuses on explaining the manner in which the economic and financial constraints will rein in the role of America as the most effective government of the world which it has continued to play after the period of World War I. Mandelbaum also explains the consequences and implications arising out of that diminished role of America.

Mandelbaum asserts in his book that the period which was characterized by the exceptionalism of America in the world has diminished and ...
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