Book Critique

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In her book, hurt people hurt people, Sandra Wilson present hypothetical self-help model that relates with residual childhood hurts and breaking generational pattern of hurting others people. Dr. Wilson briefly summarizes both theological and theoretical orientation of her proposed model. In this paper, critique is present with observe to perceived both strength and weaknesses of the approach.

Brief Summary

Dr Wilson asserts that there are no living being is exempt from reality of being deeply wounded and consequently wounding others. According to Wilson, wounded souls are the root of maladaptive adult behaviors. She claimed that wounds are results of early childhood solutions to the very slightest perceived, threat to an inherent survival nature. She postulate that character develops overtime as a result of frequently answering questions with relates to need for identity, trust and attachment.

Furthermore, she claimed that deep sense of binding shame in response to perfection demand and misguided, understanding the God world is considered as exacerbates problems of adult life. The term 'binding shame' she uses to describe as deep seated belief in one's lack of assessment. Dr Wilson state that a someone who is bounded by the shame is fetter by incapacitating sense of being worthless as compare with others.

Problems of life also start when lies associated and obligatory shame begin to take root. They stand in direct opposition to the word of God and contaminate all, “perception choices and relationships”.

Wilson asserts that child trust, identity and attachment rooted in deep seated sense of binding shame. It is considered as foundational to the life problems for a number of adults. Dysfunctional behavior in children's occurs as the result of emotional wounds that come due to result of a family member's interaction who is engaged to hurting themselves and hurting others.

Model for change by Dr. Wilson is ridiculously simple, “regularly practicing new choices to produce change”. She suggest “change efforts have eternal significance part that only occurs when they empowered by the Holy spirit of God”. Individual personality and choices are considered as one of the key elements in the formula of change.

Critical Analysis

Both strength and weakness of Wilson books has discuses in this part.


Wilson model provides a great deal for addressing unhealthy behaviors with a tremendous amount of empathy. She does not excuse responsibility for behaviors, actions and adult choices. She also does offer acknowledge and explanation the impact of influences beyond from individual control in development of maladaptive behavioral pattern. Although Wilson primarily addressing the need for healing to take place in the circle. It could be argued that Dr. Wilson places that most equal amount of weight on the past, present and future that influence interaction with the temporal system, particularly with family. As one addresses the deep wounds of progress and soul is considered as greater sense of spiritual as well as psychological health. The foundation is laid for the healthier function among the various temporal systems.

Dr. Wilson has also developed an extreme and effective approach of multi tasking that moving from ...
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