Book 1: Assessment 1

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Book 1: Assessment 1

Book 1: Assessment 1


Throughout this research review, the volume of the demand for holidays and or flights to America prior to the attack of '9/11' will be considered and looked in detail before discussing the effects '9/11' had on the demand for tourism to that region. I will also be looking at the 'ripple' effects '9/11' had on the demand for vacations to other holiday destinations.

Demand before '9/11'

What was the volume of the demand to America before '9/11'? Show these statistics in graphs. Perhaps choose one region in America - Florida - Disney land.

The Effects of '9/11'

Speak about what were people thinking and feeling in relation to taking holidays/flights to that region of America. Now did these feelings affect the demand for tourism to Florida?

The Ripple Affect

How did '9/11' affect the demand for holiday/flights to other destinations? You will need to show what was the demand before 9/11 then what the demand was after 9/11. Show statistics in graphs.


Summarize all that I have spoken about throughout my assignment.

Investigation of an event or issue since the year 1995 that has negatively impacted demand of tourism in a region or country studied in the class

Demand before '9/11'

The airline industry of the United States commenced the new year of 2001 with consecutive 24 profitable and lucrative quarters, and achieved net profits of totaled worth $7.9 billion in the year 2000. From the year 1990 till the ending of year 2000, travelers and passengers volume of traveling augmented at a usual average rate of 3.6 percent per annum. For better understanding the enormity of the effect on air travelling passengers, some evaluations and assessments on current trends in the volume of traveling was developed. The figure 1 depicted below shows the (RPM) i.e. the revenue passenger miles for domestic air travelling from the year 1989 to 2002 (Roberts, 2006).

Figure 1 - Revenue Passenger Miles (Wilbur Smith Associates, 2013)

In the month of August just prior to September 11, the industry of airline faced what was after that a high record in the total number of passengers of airline for a specified month when approximately 65.4 million traveler chosen to take the flight to travel. After that incident, that number dramatically trailed off, and it took around three years for the airline industry for matching and eventually surpassing the prior levels of event of 9/11 until the 2004's July. But in July 2004, the total number of obtainable seats which are a measure of capacity of any industry was just about 98.3 percent till then the peak of August 2001. By 2005's July, the total number of the passengers of airline was reached to 71 million (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2005).

The state of Florida is known as the Sunshine State. This subtropical area is one of the fastest growing states. It is estimated that approximately 1,000 people move daily to Florida. In the region of central Florida, some of the big attractions that generate substantial amounts of money and business are Walt Disney ...