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BoldFlash was established in 1982 as manufacturer of flash memory from Waltham, Massachusetts. The company initially started its business with basic storage media and then adopted innovation in the same area and offered various types of storage devices. It is important to know that company generated $20 billion as yearly revenue and now expecting to make it $44 billion by the year 2014 (Beer & Shelton, 2012). However, Roger Cahill, the head of mobile division, is now facing a big challenge from its competitors that left the company significantly behind their competing industry players. In fact, BoldFlash was going through a phase of business pressure in terms of prices of the products. In addition, the company was also having difficulty to rapidly market its new products in comparison to its competitors. It is also essential to discuss that Jim Harrison initially gave a division to mobile division and identified faults inside the company that is related to the organizational hierarchy or top-down activities. After the death of Harrison, CEO of BoldFlash appointed Roger Cahill as head of the mobile division who resumed his new responsibilities with some business challenges (Beer. & Shelton, 2012).


There is no doubt about the fact that Cahill was under pressure from his supreme managemet as the CEO wanted him to revive the strong position of the mobile division. The first thhing that Cahill did was the detaching marketing depatment from the sales as he believed that both the functions are different in nature and require their own setting to perform better (Beer & Shelton, 2012). Another important step that he took was assembling a cross-functional teams by relocating staff of multiple skills to different locations. According to Cahill, this step was vital to keep the communication channels clear and open for all the leaders under him. It ...