Boeing Company

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Boeing Company


Boeing is among the major organizations in the global industry of aerospace. They are one of the major contractors of Defense department of USA and NASA. Boeing has also undertaken operations in the US Air force on a number of occasions. Boeing major competitor is that of Airbus. With these two companies Boeing will have to make some strategic plans in order to entice anyone who may want to hire them for projects. With the facts that Boeing has a huge demand it seems that some of that back orders will end up with the competition which in the long run could hurt Boeing for future sales. One way that Boeing could work this out would be to possibly come up with an agreement with Airbus so that they may work together in high demand times. This could be beneficial to both when that time is needed. Boeing by the looks if it has a very structured aspect of management, this consists of the Chairman, president, senior vice president, and administration. The company states that they values culture which is what guides them as a business. It was stated that there was men were paid higher then woman and that there was some racist remarks that were made to African American females. Back in 1999 Boeing settled and paid 14.2 million to 3,600 African Americans without admitting liability. With situations like this Boeing would need to bring in a legal team to handle and process the claims being made. To avoid situations like this in the future Boeing could also use a better hiring process that would allow them to be an equal opportunity employer.

Boeing Company

Characteristics of innovation and change in an organization

Boeing is among the major organizations in the global industry of aerospace. They are one of the major contractors of Defense department of USA and NASA. Boeing has also undertaken operations in the US Air force on a number of occasions. The United Space Alliance also undertakes operations like modification, testing, and analysis of the final operations of the space fleet before its launch. Boeing has also entered in the Sea Launch venture and has a share of about forty percent in that venture. Boeing Corporation, more commonly known as Boeing, is among the biggest companies in the field of aerospace and is one of the biggest producers of commercial airplanes and military aero planes. They are also operating in the area of manufacturing electronic defense systems, rocket engines, and missiles, vehicles for launching satellite and modern systems for information communication. They have their operations in more than one hundred and forty five countries all over the globe, with their headquarters in Chicago, and have more than one hundred and fifty thousand employees.

They showed revenues of around fifty four billion dollars during 2005, which was around four percent higher than the previous fiscal year. The operating profit of the company was around 2.8 billion dollars, and the net profit was around ...
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