Boating Driver And Passenger Safety Program For The Town Of Lunenburg Ma

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Boating Driver and Passenger Safety Program for the Town of Lunenburg MA

Boating Driver and Passenger Safety Program for the Town of Lunenburg MA


The purpose of the Emergency Response Plan for the Town of Lunenburg is to reduce the losses that are experienced by the people in the incidents of recreational boating, those are sailing, fishing, etc. or in case of any other emergency. Many people die in the accidents that took place in the water, while the motor boat flipped, or some got drowned while saving others. However, the community of the Town has shown an ownership towards the safety of people, the community tends to join the waterfront association of the Town in order to create a not for profit organization, which will be run by the team of volunteers, and those will be the interested people, who will be trained accordingly in order to safe peoples life, and to take necessary steps in order to have the public safety in the recreational boating. The community center is also to help people, in educating them for their own safety as well, while boating, and take necessary steps in situations of emergency.

Boating Driver and Passenger Safety Program for the Town of Lunenburg

Lunenburg is a town in the county of Worcester, in the United States of America. The police and the Fire Brigade department in the Massachusetts did a lot in the enhancement and improvement of the recreational boating safety (Bullock, 2007). They have put their roles in the community improvement, and as the common wealth's boating law, they have able to enforce new marine safety laws as well, after proper investigation in the recreational boating and the casualties that happen while people go for the recreational purposes (Winston, 2012). Apart from it, new education programs are in the process of being developed, which can be further helpful for the people as well.

However, environmental Police Patrol offices are also available in the areas of 1500 miles of the coastal water; they not only patrol but also ensure that proper precautions and the laws are carefully being obliged. They also govern the recreational and commercial fishing, to fulfill the purposes of environmental protection as well as protecting public safety in the Town of Lunenburg (Boin, 2008).

The Fundamentals of Public Safety Knowledge in the Town of Lunenburg

The importance of the fundamentals of public safety knowledge is quite high. It requires a proper teamwork for the proper implementation of public safety knowledge. The recommendation for the Town of Lunenburg is to develop teams, where the teams can be defined as a collection of individuals, brought together in a context in which team members collaborate on common tasks. Teams are used to achieve organizational goals and are necessary to meeting strategic targets. Team working has been so effective that the ability to work in a team is assessed as an essential quality by organizations. The objective in teams is the achievement of goals through interactive and interdependent ...