Bmgt 525 Assignment #4 Case For Analysis

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BMGT 525 Assignment #4 Case for Analysis

BMGT 525 Assignment #4 Case for Analysis

Question 1

French and Raven's Bases of Power

Power and leadership are such phenomena's that closely linked together. People normally tend to follow those people who have power or the leadership skills and with these two phenomena people become leaders. However, in relation of power with leadership, generally leaders' posses power for different reasons. For example, some leaders have power because they have the ability to issue bonuses and increments alone. Similarly, another type of leadership with power is that one can fire an employee or assign the task that the employee does not want to do. Beside this, leaders also posses power because they are expert in their respective field and the fellow members admire them for their expertise (Minds Tool, 2012).

Under the French and Raven's approach, there are five bases for power; some of which implies of the Jake and Terry's role.

Legitimate: legitimate power is like a belief that the person is in the position of making demands, and on the same hand expects the compliance and obedience from the subordinates. In the case of Terry and Jake, both these persons posses the legitimate power because both these individuals posses the charismatic power. Jake being the mentor of Terry was in the position that he should demand from Terry and also expect obedience from him. Similarly, in the case of Terry, Terry spent his life while working at the Dutchman's and he earned that respect and power through his work. Even his supervisor Frank also consults him for different matters.

The other power that both Jake and Terry posses is the Expert power. Jake being on the older side has this power because the evidence given in the case how he changed Terry from an irresponsible person to a well established and respected individual of the society, a person having talent and expertise can only do that. Whereas, on the other hand, Terry considered as the symbol of expertise in the Dutchman. This shows that power and leadership are the qualities that a person carries together.

Question 2

Job of Supervisor

After working for several years as a call centre specialist, one day Jake gave the good news to Terry that he had been shifted to the post of supervisor. While offering the position, Jake made a statement “it will be hard transition but you can do it and it's time ...