Bluetooth is a wire-less technology protocol that connects electronic devices in close proximity and helps in data exchanging process over short distances. It makes use of short wave-length radio transmissions in the industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio bands from 2400 to 2800 MHz. It was created in 1994 by telecom vendor Ericsson. It has the capability of connecting several devices, hence overcoming the problem of synchronization.
Background Information
In the course of the past 20 years, the development in VLSI and micro-electronics technologies drove the expense of numerous user electrical products down to a suitable range for everyday users. Blue-tooth is an affordable, low power, radio-frequency technological innovation for short range connectivity. It might be adapted to replace the cable connections linking up fixed / portable electronic devices, create ad hoc networks or even provide data/voice access points. The investigation on Blue-tooth was instigated in 1994 at Ericsson of Sweden. The concept of Bluetooth originates from the desire to connect cell phones with other electronic appliances without a winch cable. It's termed after the tenth centaury Viking king of Denmark Herald Bluetooth. The progress in micro-electronics enables us to incorporate multifaceted features into one tiny chip and hence attain an economical and low budget position. With its economical, low electrical consumption and low profile, it is possible to practically fit one any-where you desire. This makes a lot of technologies for instance smart appliances and inlayed Broadband achievable.
The development of blue-tooth received encouragement from a lot of companies. At present, there exist around 2500 firms that have registered with the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). There are a number of commercial devices accessible , and a lot more are coming up .Like other types of engineering process , the layout of Blue-tooth is required to bargain between various objectives , such as exorbitant through-put and less expense , substantial operation range and low energy consumption . Rather than setting up a local-area-network also known as LAN or a wide-area-network usually referred as WAN, Bluetooth produces a personal area network only for an individual. Mobile phones, for instance, might be paired with cord-less Bluetooth headphones. Bluetooth is controlled by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group that has above seventeen thousand affiliate firms in the facets of networking, consumer electronics computing, and telecommunication. The SIG regulates the growth and development of the standards , controls the accreditation system , and protects the trademarks . To be publicized as a Bluetooth gadget, a device should be qualified to specifications determined by the SIG. A system of patents is needed to introduce the technology in the market and is accredited just for all qualifying devices.
How Bluetooth Works
Blue-tooth takes small area networking to an entirely new degree by eliminating the need for the interference of end users and keeping the transmission power to minimum level in order to save battery power (Kewney, 2004). The data transmission in Bluetooth occurs through radio waves that are low powered. It operates on the frequency of ...