Blogs As A Form Of Genre

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Blogs as a Form of Genre

Blogs as a Form of Genre


Technology advancement has enabled us to easily have internet access to public out thoughts and feelings online. One of the most popular ways of doing that is through creation and maintenance of blogs. Now-a-days blogging has become one of the most important ways to express feelings of someone; it has taken a turn towards marketing and social media (Bauman, 1999, 269). Today blogging has not only become an important source of expressing thoughts and feelings of an individual but it has also become a source of income and it also has enabled people around the world to come in contact with each other (Agre, 1998, 69). Blogs are used by people to offer their services and sell their products that in return provide them money, therefore it can be said that blog has become an important source of income. Today everyone whether it to be from Fortune 500 companies or from mom and pop shops are utilizing blogging to increase their digital presence and inevitably increase their bottom line. Several scholars have done extensive research on various different genres but being a rather new concept weblogs have not been the focus of several genre analyses therefore, in this paper we are going to discuss to what extent weblogs or blogs are considered as genre. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of weblogs or blogs.

Understanding Genre and blogs as an effective Genre

Before going into the detail assessing weblogs as form of genre, we first going explain what writing genre is and what does it mean. Writing is a shape or form that writing takes. Traditionally writing genres are poems, letters, short stories, reports, novels, and newspaper articles. Additional writing genres are academic research papers, histories, essays, and plays. Various writers are considered masters of specific genre (Turnbull, 2002, 81). For example Toni Morrison is a brilliant poet and Shakespeare is a masterful playwright. Genre is defined according to the communication purpose and recurring feature of the content and from in the text. According to Miller defined genre is helpful in identifying the ways individuals interpret, create and react to particular texts (Miller, 2002, 200). Some writers are skilled wordsmith in practical genre: a newspaper reporter or an advertising copy writer is often considered as talent enough earn his/her living through words. Although most writers learn a variety if genres and perform well to communicate their ideas to others using one to other form. There are several writers that feel comfortable writing genres that connected to their livelihood they usually do not come out of their comfort zone (Berkenkotter, 1995, 8).

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