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Blogs on Contemporary Leadership

Blogs on Contemporary Leadership

Blog 1

In contemporary organizations, diversity is a key to attain organizational growth effectively and efficiently. Diversification at work provides multiple ways to increase business activity, by utilizing the collective experience of employees coming from multi -cultural and multi-ethnic background. It encourages interdependence among team members as everyone has something unique to offer, and thus results in the acceleration of collaborative performance management (Ibarra, & Hansen, 2011, pp. 68-69) Diversity provides team members an opportunity to listen to the alternative views and opinions, which can result in the attainment of organizational objectives. According to Ibarra and Hansen, diversified teams perform comparatively well in a business environment as compare to the teams where the members are from the similar social backgrounds (Ibarra, & Hansen, 2011, pp. 70-71)

Individuals in the multi diverse teams provide alternative arguments and suggestions based on their unique milieu and lives experiences that foster creative thinking and prompt the team to see the picture from all the angles. This form of collaboration provides constructive feedback and valuable guidelines that bring them more closely toward the achievement of desired goals (Ibarra & Hansen, 2011, pp. 68-74).

The culture of diversity in organizations is growing in general and in marketing and advertising fields in particular. For instance, United States is not a melting pot anymore, but developed into a salad bowl, where exotic ingredients (individuals from diverse backgrounds, maintain their original identity and work collaboratively to create a beautiful mosaic of well refined globalized salads. Diversity has become one of the major criteria for advertising agencies in United States in terms of team selections. The more diversify the advertising team is the more better it will be able to market and promote different categories of products and services to diversifying set of customers. In a globalized world where the products/services were created not only for the local market but globally, companies needs employees from varying backgrounds in order to construct a logical strategy that best suits their needs and the changing demands of the consumer market (Ibarra & Hansen, 2011, pp. 68-74). The advertising world is always in the need for fresh and original ideas that can only come from a group of people who are culturally diverse, bilingual, and have varied experience prepared to be shared at the brainstorming table. This form of mixture enables the marketing firm/advertising agency to promote their product and services in accordance with the taste of multi-cultural and multi-ethnic consumers in both urbanized and rural settings, and hence plays a vital part in stretching market reach and individual competitiveness (Ibarra & Hansen, 2011, pp. 68-74).

However, there are management theorist and critics against diversity who believed that sometimes teams in marketing and advertising agencies pays more attention to diversification and, put less thought to execution part without which no strategy regardless of how thought provoking and well defined it is, can be successful implemented (Ibarra, & Hansen, 2011, pp. 68-74). In addition, there are delays in decision making due ...
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