Bless Me Ultima

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Bless Me Ultima

Bless Me Ultima


Bless Me Ultima was a very famous novel of its time. Bless Me Ultima involved a story related to social psychological maturation of a Mexican-American boy who lived on the eastern plains of New Mexico during the 1940s. The novel started with the character known as Ultima, who was basically the folk healer lived with the Márez family in the summer season when the Antonio was six years old. Antonia was very much occupied with his anxious thoughts related to attending schools and feared the separation from his mother. He was very worried about his destiny for the future. Antonio's mother had a desire for his son that he should become a priest for the community of farmers where her family had their location. In this particular situation, Antonio had a lot of concerns about the desires that had its roots from the paternal lineage. Antonio was at the starting point in this particular time when he looked forward to begin his religious study. He had a strong view related to the first Holy Communion and was concerned with the good and evil in the world (Klein, 1992).

In the earlier part of the novel, he witnessed the killing of a war veteran known as Lupito and had a fear that his father might be punished by the God because of his involvement with those men that killed Lupito. Antonio was very much worried by the fate of Lupito's soul. When the novel was developed, the fears and apprehensions of Antonio further increased and they were tied with each other. He had to struggle for understanding all those real events that circulated during his entire life. Antonio became too much obsessed with questions related to the destiny, life and death, good and evil. Ultima tried to convey an original point of view to Antonio who provided him the guidance during those situations when he lost confidence in different viewpoints and the teachings of the Church. Ultima also shared his stories and the legacy of his ancestors with these people and also had a strong understanding of how the people in the past made him angry. Due to all these reasons, Antonio was also in a position to learn the old principles and looked forward to develop the relationship with the nature. This particular relationship created an opportunity for the Antonio to have concentration towards the contemplation related to possibility of other gods. Antonio had a strong learning of this fact that there are powers in the world that differed from those honored by the Catholic faith. He gave assistance to Ultima performed a healing which proved to be crucial for saving the life of his uncle known as Lucas. The uncle was in a terrible condition because he was bewitched by the Trementina sisters. In the later phase, he also witnessed another kind of healing performed by Ultima and also started to understand the world in a different manner. He was in a position to overcome his ...
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