Bladder Cancer

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Bladder Cancer

Bladder CancerIntroduction

Bladder, also known as the urinary bladder, is a hollow organ find in the pelvis. Mostly it lies in the pelvis but sometime it is also lies in the lower part of the abdomen. The most primary function of the bladder is to pass urine. Bladder is made up of three layers. The most inner layer of the bladder is called “mucosa”. The middle layer of the bladder is known as “lamina propria”, which formed the boundary between inner and outer layer. While the outer layer of the bladder is “muscularis”, which consist of detrusor.

Pathologist made the grading of the bladder cancer through examining the tumor. They measure the extent and shape of bladder cell because tumor cell increases the shape of bladder cell from its normal size. Larger the shape of bladder cell, the higher grade is given. High grade cancer is said to be the most aggressive stage of cancer because there is a greater propensity of cancer to attack the bladder tissues and also to spread in all parts of the human body. Stages of bladder cancer not only help in the treatment procedure but also it quantify the success chances in the treatment (Kirkali et. al, 4-34)


Types of Bladder Cancer

According to the histological type, classification of bladder cancer is done on the basis of its appearance of bladder cell. Types of bladder cancer help in selecting the treatment for this disease. Certain types of cancer do not respond to the radiation while surgery is required for curing the disease. Most common types of bladder cancer found in the human body are:

Urothelial carcinoma

This type of bladder cancer is also known as “transitional cell carcinoma” , which is mostly caused because of cigarette smoking. It is found in the large number of the amount in U.S.

Adenocarcinoma bladder

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