Blackberry Riot: Black Days In The History Of England

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BlackBerry Riot: Black Days in the History of England

BlackBerry Riot: Black Days in the History of England


The “BlackBerry riot” or the riot of the August 2011 England are one of the worst riot of the English history. The riot started after the killing of Mark Duggan by the police in Tottenham. This killing of the Mark Duggan resulted in the six days long riot in different localities of the London and throughout the England. More than three thousand were arrested and thousand of them were charged with the guilty of looting, rioting and so on. This article will try to give a complete image of the 2011 riot, with detailed event outline, statements of the eyewitnesses and the policemen and suggestions for the public regarding same situation in the future.


An Appropriate Image

The riot of 2011 started when a police officer shot the 29 year old Mark Duggan, a Blackman. The police stated that it was a planned arrest but the suspect opened the fire. The media reported the same and claimed that a bullet fired by the suspect was found embedded in the radio installed in the police car. On 6th August 2011 a peaceful protest from the friends and family of the Duggan started in front of the Tottenham police station. The riot started when a sixteen year old protestor threw a bottle on the police officers who came out of the station to have a talk with the protestor. The police immediately arrested the girl and the peaceful protestors turned into the rioters.

This six days long riot brought out a large number of the youngsters on the streets. These young ones were the main cause of this dreadful situation. At the end of the riot about 3000 peoples were arrested and of them the majority were young generation. There were many factors that were the cause of the involvement of the youngsters in these riots. Following are some of them:

The thought of the youngsters that the behaviour of the police was wrong.

Excess use of the social media invited the youngsters to have a live view of the happenings.

The neighbouring localities were encouraged by the involvement of local youngsters.

Friends and peer were another main factor of the youngster's involvement in the riots. More people were just come with their friends to enjoy.

Absence of parental guidance resulted in the major participation in the riots.

Many of the rioters had a criminal background or history.

Anger and irritation of the higher authority especially political also cause the engagement of the youngsters.

Bitter behaviour of the police to the youth.

Joblessness is another main factor. Many rioters were jobless therefore they shouted their anger in the riots.

Different communities and groups, youth attached to these groups were also a great part of the rioters.

Adventurous and excited nature of the young ones.

Poverty and materialism also resulted in the increased number of young rioters.

Detailed Account of the Event

The main problem started on the evening of the 4th august 2011 with shooting of the Mark Duggan by ...