Blackberry In International Market

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Blackberry in international market

Blackberry in international market


Research in motion (RIM) is a well-known Canadian technological company was founded by Mike Lazaridis and Mr. Douglas Fregin in year 1984. Since its incorporation, company has able to produce quality innovative technological products that has changed the meaning of communication and in would not be wrong to comment that after Apple this is the only company that likes to sweep its loyal customers of their feet (Albescu etal, 2008).. In year 2002, the company under the guidance of quality leadership launched the first ever Blackberry smartphone which in initially market in three countries namely (UK, USA and Canada) and sold to only business community and government agencies of that county.

However, in beginning of year 2005 the company decided to expand its operation in international market and by the end of Year Company was successful in expanding its business in more than 175 countries of the globe and was in corporation with more than 500 well-known carries of the world. According to (Aldehayyat and Anchor, 2008) RIM has able to accomplish phenomenal success since 2004 by increasing its subscribers from 1 million to around 46 million. Moreover, its prevailing success was clearly visible from whooping increase in its revenue that raise t around $11 million from $6 million in 2008.

Company is known for generating its revenue from selling Blackberry wireless devices and licensing of software, moreover, it also receive comprehensive revenue from carrier in a form of access fee and in return company endow carries with the permission of sending valuable data for their customers. (Andjelkovic, 2010) accepted the fact that after the end of year 2010 the Blackberry became a very popular brand across the world primary because it endow customer with the guarantee of protected utilization of their email accounts from outside the office.

The company used its strong security as competitive edge over its main competitors like Apple, Google, and others. Meanwhile, during his detail study (Ayo et al, 2008) analyzed that RIM was using very strong codes to encrypt customer calls and message a technology that provided the company an added advantage over its major customers. Further, because of its unique and strong security services company was able to attract some privileged customers like current president of USA and various others. The current president was so influenced by company services that he resolute of using its blackberry phone because of prevailing legal and security issues.

Company effectively utilized its prime selling aspect to attract numerous customers in western world, however, against the expectation of the company his biggest selling point turned out to be biggest hurdle in its expansion plan in Asian and Middle East markets (Bivolaru et al, 2009). There is no denying the fact that security is the biggest concern in these countries an in awake of that most these countries were ordering RIM to either provide them the access to their security system so that they can decode the message or else they would ban the product from ...