Black Panthers Party

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Black Panthers Party

Black Panthers Party


The term Black Panther Party is used for the manifestation of the vision of Huey P. Newton. He was the 7th son of Louisiana family; they have relocated to Oakland, California. Ones after being provoked with assassination of the Black leader Malcolm X, in the crucial times when almost all the blacks were on heels of a really massive Black, urban uprising in Watts, and also in the California. The height of the Civil Rights Movement was another thing to be considered too, this movement was led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the month of October of 1966. Newton was the one who gathered some of his friends and development of a skeletal was then outlined for this newly formed organization. The name given to this organization was Black Panther Party for self-defense, this was a step taken for the sake of Self-Defense (Wei, 2004).

As stated by Au, (2009):

The founding Panthers looked at the needs of their community and developed a vision of what they thought was necessary to find freedom.

The term Black Panther was used to illustrate the issue like a symbol, the name was selected due to the powerful kind of impact the term has, one which was used in an effective manner through which the short-lived voting rights group the Lowndes County (Alabama) Freedom Organization. The philosophy of the name was illustrated by the term self-defense tell a great extent and it also represents the dominant nonviolent theme carried by the Civil Rights Movement and also in the respect for the civil rights groups which were for the sake of Defense. The symbolic references which were tried to be illustrated were although were the overall similarity among the Black Panther Party and also various other Black organizations which were also belonging to the similar era. Through all of these occurrences the civil rights groups and also the Black power groups were actually ended (Wei, 2004).


Services provided by Black Panthers Party

In the 1969 the Black Panther Party had put so many efforts for reaching to the millions of people. This was for both, for the sake of organizing the resistance to fascism and also for finding out regarding that and receiving the service from too. There are various basic community programs that Black Panthers have already set up and which will be set up later as well. This has been called to be a broad and a really massive type of political machinery which is typically belonging to the people. It has developed out of the rising tide of fascism in the environment of United States. The impulsive attempt which can be seen in the part of power structure for trying to wipe out Black Panther Party and also various other progressive organizations too. Furthermore the use of more and more troops and also much more police forces for occupying the communities (Seale, 1969-1970).

Black Panther Party was one of the most efficient community party at some point of time and it was ...
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