Birth Control

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Birth Control

Birth Control


Reproducing is a natural phenomena according to which all living material present on earth reproduce their future generations. Amongst all the living beings, human beings are considered as the most superior living beings because of the control they have upon earth and the surroundings. Human beings all reproduce by the process of birth but access birth rates in all parts of word have forced the controlling administrators and policy makers to apply techniques and methodologies to ensure excessive births are not happening in all parts of the world.

Birth control is a phenomenon which rose due to the scarcity of resources for all human beings, which include scarcity ion food causing feminine, scarcity in natural resources causing high rates for fuels and commodities and scarce availability of jobs causing inflation and unemployment. If we review the nations with better economies, one of the core ideas we will find is that they all have employed birth control at some point to ensure that the human race in their respective countries does not exceed the resources available to feed them.


As explained above birth control has turned out into a serious problem for the administrations of all the countries to cater it and develop an equality of division of resources amongst the people. The best current examples set by administration of countries include China, USA, Canada, and UK. On the contrary the countries who face unstable economies due to high birth rates are Pakistan, India and all African countries. China has a very high population but the trend of birth rate has reduced significantly in the recent decades due to their restrictive policies. China introduced the law which forced its people to give birth to not more than one child else heavy taxes are imposed on them under this act.

USA is a country which is liberal in its policies and allowed emigrants from all parts of the world to enter and settle in their areas. This rapid in flow of emigrants and their reproduction capacity has severely increased the birth rate in USA, in order to cater this problem they legalized the systems which allowed women to have abortion and reproduce children only when they assume that the future of the children is secure. UK is a union of land divided between four countries where England has a very high population and Ireland and Scotland have low population, they brought awareness amongst the public through massive advertisement, and literacy to ensure that their overall birth rate does not increase their death rates by many a times.

Canada is a land which has slightly cold climate as compared to rest of the world, therefore their overall reproduction rate is quite slow and the average population of that particular country is significantly low than the rest of the world.

Literature review

1st Paper

The first paper under review is by the title of “Family change and continuity in Iran: Birth Control Use before first pregnancy. This paper is a tremendous paper dealing with the works of ...
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