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According the article “The Case Against Babies” by Joy Williams, it is said that the argument that western countries with their wealth and relatively low birth rate do not fuel the population crisis is, of course, fallacious. Also Some would have it that not having a baby is disallowing a human life, horribly inappropriate in this world of rights. Everyone has rights; the unborn have rights; it follows that the unconcealed have rights The question arises here that how much is the birth control is important.

The use of birth control has been a controversial issue for decades. Those in favor of the use of birth control state that it is a woman's right to choose since it is her body. On the other hand, non-supporters argue that it is unnatural and that men and women should accept the consequences of their sexual activity. It is imperative that individuals have access to birth control methods in order prevent further overpopulation of the earth and to protect “unwanted” children from neglect or other possible forms of abuse, from potential parents.


The article by Margaret Sanger states that The Comstock Law of 1873 prohibited the distribution of information and contraception devices to women. Ms. Sanger began to illegally distribute information and methods of contraception to women. Obtaining a second factual statement in Ms. Sanger's article impossible proved to be unfeasible. Although the article made extremely strong points regarding a woman's right to choose a method of birth control, the article was predominately the opinions of Ms. Sanger.

In contrast to Ms Sanger's article, Paul Murray's article discusses a “holistic approach” to birth control. Mr. Murray uses excerpts from “Humanae Vitae” written by Pope Paul VI in 1968 to use as a back up for his statements. He and his wife use a method much like the rhythm method, in which they abstain from sexual intercourse during her fertile period. He states that individuals do not cease to mature beyond childhood. Mr. Murray also states that the number of sexual partners per American have increased significantly over the past 30 years.

Ms. Sanger argues that a woman is not truly free from man until she has the freedom to choose if or when she will produce offspring and the number of offspring, if she desires to reproduce. She states that it is only women who are burdened by rearing unwanted children. There are many men who were abandoned along with their child or children by the woman.

On the other hand, Mr. Murray claims that abstinence is good in a relationship. He states that without it the relation cannot properly mature. Mr. Murray continues by claiming that sex becomes trivial when it no longer becomes a tool or a means to procreate.

The most evident problem with birth control would be the effects of the synthetic hormones to a woman's body. A woman's body goes through tremendous changes with the use of birth control the possibility of weight gain, blood clots, mood swings, severe headaches, bloating, dizziness, ...
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