Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder


There are many types of psychological disorders that a person has. In this essay, bipolar disorder is explained. The causes, symptoms and types of bipolar disorder are explained. The relationship between human development and its impact on bipolar disorder is explained.


Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is also known as maniac depression. It causes shifts in the mood, behavior, thinking and energy of a person ranging from the high mania at one end to low depression at the other end. These shifts in the bipolar disorder can last for as long as months. The intensity of these shifts is so extreme that it can interfere the ability of the individual to function properly (Smith & Segal, 2012). Bipolar disorder looks different in every person. The symptoms that a person has in bipolar disorder vary in terms of episodes, periods, frequency and severity. There are some people who are more towards mania and depression while there are some who move equally between the two types. There are some people who face mood swings frequently while there are some who face only some episodes over time. There are four mood types in bipolar disorder. They are mania, hypomania, depression and mixed episode.

Causes of Bipolar Disorder There are different causes of bipolar disorder. Each of these causes is discussed separately.


The person who has blood relative that has bipolar disorder is at a risk of developing it in them.

Biological Traits

Studies have shown that the people who have bipolar disorder also have changes in their brains.

Imbalance in Brain-chemical

Imbalance in neurotransmitters which are chemicals that help to communicate between the brain cells plays a crucial role in many disorders of mood.

Hormonal Problems

The imbalances in hormones also cause or trigger the bipolar disorder.

Environmental Factors

The environmental factors such as mental stress, loss of something significant or abuse an result in bipolar risk (Nordqvist, 2012).

Types of Bipolar Disorder

There are three main types of bipolar disorder.

Type 1

Type 1 is also called mania. The people that have Type 1 bipolar disorder face at least one episode of significant depression.

2. Type 2

Type 2 of bipolar disorder is also called hypomania. The people that have Type 2 bipolar disorder have never reached the extreme of mania. They face high levels of energy but do not reach the extreme. These patients also face periods of depression.

3. Cyclothymia

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