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The main accounts on this report discusses the challenges and changes associated with aging that need to be considered when caring for older people and the practitioners ideal on how to handle and manage elderly clients, understanding the need for biological, physiological and social effects of the client to have a firm knowledge for different individuals. It is very important to remember the biological, psychological and social effects at different life stage.

The main purpose of this assignment is to discuss in detail, the challenges and changes associated with aging that are essential to be considered when the care is being provided to elderly patients. It explains the importance of life stages in the whole process and the practitioners' ideal on how to handle and manage elderly clients, understanding the need for biological, physiological and social effects of the client to have a firm knowledge for different individuals.

This report will show an understanding of “The Biopsychosocial Model” and it would also explain different life stages. In addition the report would discuss the factors and changes that affect different individuals whose age's ranges from 85 and above looking closely at how biologically, psychologically and socially play a role in different individuals. The paper also provides an insight of how this knowledge has helped the author to learn the significance of Biopsychosocial Model.


The Biopsychosocial Model

Penney, ( 2013 p. 33-37) defines “The Biopsychosocial Model as an approach or method that guides and helps to understand individual's biological, psychological and social aspects, for example emotions, behaviours and thoughts. Therefore, the importance of understanding human health and illness will aid nurses with knowledge of how to provide holistic care.

Biopsychosocial model show the importance for practitioners to recognise the factors that contribute to biologically, psychologically and socially of different individuals and showing confidence in understanding different aspects of life to encourage elderly client to show their personality, which aids them and keep them in control at different stages of life.

It is a health care model that deals with the clinical care and practical guidance to the patient. George Engel indicated that the aforementioned elements are vital to understand the patient's condition and to give him the sense of well being and well understood (Borrell-Carrio, Suchman, Epstein, 2004).

Identification of a Life Stage

The life stage that has been selected for this assignment is the middle Adults.

Defining the Concept of Life Staging

A Stage is a set of behaviours, on the basis of which the categorization is done. In human development, the staging refers to the categorization of human life cycle on the basis of a common set of behaviours. Therefore, life staging can be referred as a life cycle that every human being has to go through such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, middle age and old age. The stages are defined involving biological, psychological and social components. Every life stage varies according to individual's history, culture, economy, ethnicity and gender.

Life stages give an idea about every individual and how they go through life and how every individual shows ...
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