The fingerprint identification is one of the best known and publicized biometrics. Thanks to its uniqueness and consistency over time fingerprints have been used for the identification of more than a century, most recently becoming automated (e.g. biometric) due to advances in computing capabilities. The fingerprint identification is popular for its inherent ease of acquisition, the numerous sources available for collection (ten fingers), and established collection and use by law enforcement and immigration.
Benefits of biometrics evidence in the process of criminal justice
Fingerprints have a long history as a means of identification with both civil and criminal investigation. Their reliability is legendary and is often used as a criterion and a benchmark against other new forensic techniques mainly to take your image diffusion. The identification via fingerprint recognition has allowed many individuals by police and civil authorities for decades and often serves as the cornerstone of their records. A fast and reliable detection of deception efforts with false identities serves the integrity of the files and the police investigation. Fingerprints will continue to play this role for a long time yet. The characteristics of fingerprints are based on warrant. The ease of taking transmits, encode and archive prints; computer systems have facilitated access to vast archives worldwide.
Broadly speaking, it is estimated to be fingerprinted for between 5 and 15% of the world population and that their prints; being archived. Computers around the world are constantly checked against millions of records per second investigated thoroughly in the archives, including fragments of fingerprints, and getting quick results. The assumption that no two people have the same fingerprint is already firmly established. With the comparison of prints; billion a day (Becker, 2009).
Specific aspects of fingerprint evidence
Fingerprinting services are often part of the police or closely connected with them, unlike other forensic investigating services that are often located in separate laboratories. Researchers are usually police officers or civilians who have undergone special training in fingerprinting, while scientists from laboratories cover a variety of forensic disciplines. The conclusions of identifications through fingerprints are positive as possible even in cases where latent prints from the scene of a crime are considered doubtful. Fingerprints establish with certainty the connection between a suspect and a crime scene, while excluding all other persons who could have left the fingerprint. A fingerprint technician can perform double duty. When searching latent prints at the scene of crime and scrutinize the files, his main goal and motivation is to find the person they belong to these tracks. Once you have found a likely solution, you must perform a metamorphosis and become an independent and impartial forensic investigator (Gates, 2011).
Aspiration of biometric science applied to achieve recognition of individuals is, in some years, the evolution took millions. Anyone who has seen Tom Cruise in Minority Report, looking down to the iris reader devices that recognize him in the street to sell targeted advertising, you begin to understand what it ...