Biomagnetic Therapy

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Biomagnetic Therapy


The Bio-magnetism is a new therapeutic medical discipline that seeks to balance the bio-energy the alteration has functional effects produced by both viruses and bacteria. Study detects, classifies, measures and corrects the fundamental changes of PH (Potential Hydrogen) of living organisms, as to bring the pH value, through medical Bio-magnetism, regulate and correct the infectious diseases (Loyning, Mostofsky, 103). This new approach gets medical treatment to identify the pathogenesis of viral and bacterial diseases as well as glandular dysfunction, through qualitative measurement of pH changes that trigger pathogenic microorganisms in the organs.

It is possible through the medium intensity bio-magnetic fields produced by natural magnets, the order of 1,000 to 30,000 units of magnetization (GAUSS) proceed to restore health. Round magnets are often used as coins, leather-wrapped for easy handling and colors to mark the polarity of each magnet face. The concept of bio-magnetic pair, is to revolutionize the patho-physiological theories, understanding that viral and bacterial diseases are closely related, and that the first condition to the second and each other are simultaneous in both its genesis and in his presence and in morbid its ultimate consequences, i.e., irreversible degenerative processes.

The discovery of bio-magnetic pair in 1988 marked an entirely new within the same magnetism and medicine in general, to verify that charges have bio-magnetic energy vibration resonance between them. To date we have fully discovered and identified 115 regular BMPs, twenty and eleven special dysfunctional, which in turn identify energy-the same number of pathologies of human organisms (Loyning, Mostofsky, 109). The first pair was bio-magnetic known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which is generated in the thymus and straight, from the earliest times when the virus is installed, resulting in two simultaneous phenomena agencies: immunodeficiency and HIV infection.

In 1994 Dr. Goiz found that there is a "false positive" HIV. In 1996, there is a potential HIV, and in 1998, that there are mutations of the virus (Loyning, Mostofsky, 110). In physical-chemical processes of organic matter, the hydrogen atom is responsible for involving other atoms and to maintain that stable association with a balance of positive and negative charges, thereby defining the acid-base properties, since that the element hydrogen acts in both directions, and when acting as electronegative ion, electro. The kinetic balance of loads allows us to understand the fundamental concept of energy neutral, and that although they have different polarity does not interfere with the vital processes of cell homeostasis or organic, while in bio-energetic resonance (Pribram, 213).

Discussion and Analysis

Bio-magnetism as a Cure

All living beings we maintain health status when there is an energy balance in our systems, organs and tissues finally made ??a delicate and complex structure of cells that are constantly exchanging information between them. In turn, the cells require a suitable environment to maintain full operation and this is vital ionic balance in them and their environment. That is, the positive and negative charges, finally giving a balance between acid and base loads or pH balance (Pribram, 218). The human body maintains health, provided that their internal ...