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Question 1

Segmented or metameric aspect of body axis is the basic feature of many animal species ranging from invertebrates to humans, and segmentation has been thought to be the key aspect of basic design of animals. Conservation of segmented body pattern between very distant species provided the strong argument for unity of body plan of animals, an idea developed in early 19. Due to segmentation of body is one of salient features of embryo, which was used as morphological criteria pioneering genetic screens performed in fruit fly by Nüsslein-Volhard and Wieschaus during 1970. These screens led to identification of genetic cascade involved in establishment of metameric pattern of fly embryo. Many of genes identified through these screens (eg, wingless or hedgehog) proved to be part of major signaling systems that are deregulated in diseases such as cancer.

Theoretical models of vertebrate segmentation proposed existence of an oscillator in PSM cells that acts to generate the temporal periodicity, which are then translated into spatial periodicity of somite boundaries.

One of outputs of oscillator is rhythmic activation of Notch in PSM, which could act as the trigger to initiate process periodic specification somite boundaries. Our current understanding of clock oscillator consists of the series of negative feedback loops involving Notch and Wnt signaling. Recently, we developed the microarray approach to identify all cyclic genes in mouse transcriptome. Unraveling molecular processes underlying segmentation clock is the major focus of my lab.

Question 2

Transplantation of ectoderm from side of the young salamander embryo to mouth of the frog embryo results in tadpole has the balancer.

Congenital vertebral malformations in humans represent an important therapeutic challenge due to intricate neural and musculoskeletal anatomy of spine. Results of our research are expected to have the strong impact in field of congenital spine, now the biomedical problem ...
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