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Answer 1

The traits or phenotypes that are called genetic phenotypes are controlled by genes and each gene has about two different forms that are alleles. Females have two X chromosomes however, males has just one X chromosome which shows that females have two genes on each of the X chromosome which controls the phenotype. This highlight that both male and female is likely to have a recessive allele on just one X chromosome because males can receive only one X from the female (

Answer 2

A promoter is an important factor in transcription. Transcription itself is a controlled process. In transcription, multiple DNA regions are a part and the promoter is the main factor for the beginning of the transcription and gene expression timings. (

Answer 3

Since half of the chromosomes produced during recombination in the inversion loop are imbalanced and do not produce viable zygotes hence, it causes reduced fertility in individuals. If female chromosomes are missing or are less which it gives to the male that is X chromosome than this results in reduced fertility because men have only one X chromosome as compared to females having two. Chromosomal conditions can normally affect the sex strength telling whether a male or female posses sexual characteristics or not and the ability to give birth to children.

Answer 4

The processing of transcript provides an extra regulation level for the eukaryotes and the nucleus presence makes this possible. Transcripts in eukaryotes are modified in the nucleus before exporting them for translation to the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic transcript is modified through a three stage process before they are used in the protein synthesis. The modification process includes Capping, Polyadenylation, and Splicing (

Answer 5

X chromosome comes from the mother or a female characteristic. Since females have two X chromosomes, hence an extra X chromosome would not be a problem and it will just enhance the female characteristic.

Answer 6

Gene expression is defined as the conversion of information that is encoded in a gene to the RNA messenger first and later to a protein. Gene expression is a process through which gene information is used in the synthesis of a gene product that is functional. The gene expression process includes eukaryotes which include the multi-cellular organisms, prokaryotes which includes bacteria and viruses in order to produce the macro-molecular machinery for life (

The gene expression process involves the two main stages that are as follows:

Transcription (DNA to RNA)

Translation (RNA to Protein)

Answer 7

A normal couple having an afflicted daughter means that both the parents were normal and do not have an eye problem. In this case I would not support the husband for suing his wife in such a case since both were proved normal medically and the daughter did not born afflicted due to either of the parents.

Answer 8

About the relation between photosynthesis and aerobic respiration, it is said that both belongs to the same coin but sides are opposite. The photosynthesis process is done in the chloroplasts of plants where chlorophyll absorbs the solar radiation and transforms it ...
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