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Alfred Adler

Alfred Adler


Alfred Adler was born in 1870 as the son of a Jewish grain merchant. He suffered from rickets as a child and severe pneumonia. At the age of 4, Alfred Adler could not be run and do any physical activity. At the age of five, he nearly died in Pneumonia. At that time, he decided to become a doctor. He was a typical student all his life. He attained the degree in medicine at the University of Vienna in 1895. He became a doctor and realized the man as a unity of body, soul and spirit and is regarded as one of the pioneers of psychosomatic medicine. In 1907, he was invited to the discussion boards of Sigmund Freud. Unlike Freud, who had a place in the opulent Viennese bourgeoisie, Adler remained connected to the socially disadvantaged all his life. Freud praised him for his intelligence and originality (

Adler wrote publications on inferiority, and he wrote based on the book published by Freud. Adler also worked on aggressive instincts that Freud did not approve. Later he also worked intensively on childhood feelings of inferiority. This was recommended to consider Freud's comments on sexuality rather than an elaborate metaphor. Adler was also appointed as President of the Vienna Society of the psychoanalyst and co-editor of the newspaper organization. A debate amidst Adler's supporters and those Freud supporters took place which led to the resignation of 9 members. It was upon resignation that a company was formed of psychoanalyst in 1912.arranged by Freud, with the result that eagle and nine other members of the company resigned to found the company in 1911. He introduced the term called Individual psychology. He also believed that an individual is said to be a tiny unit for the study. He introduced individual study based on the larger community (

In the First World War, Adler served as a physician in the Austrian army. First he served at the Russian front and later in a children's hospital. He immediately saw the damage that was inflicted during the war on children. Adler instantly inclined towards social interests. In a subsequent article, he pointed out that being a reputable psychologist his eyes cannot ignore the conditions of the children in terms of personality dysfunction. It can hinder the growth of the child in a community. Adler was committed to the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Although for hereditary and environmental factors were predisposing factors of character. Such factors hinder the impacted child from the same experiences that other children have. In such experiences, the affected child is discouraged or de-motivated and simultaneously the others are inspired. Not the experiences of a child dictate his actions, but the conclusions it draws from these experiences. He believed that if mankind could be saved, then they should change their way. In 1918, he opened up clinics for child guidance, which aided him, in understanding the factors that led to personality dysfunction. He deducted that, besides external environment, it is neglecting, lack of ...
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